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Heating systems

One of the best ways to reduce energy bills and to significantly lower carbon emissions is to replace old inefficient heating systems, with a new grant-funded system. From Boiler Upgrades to Air Source Heat Pumps, Zing Energy can develop a tailored energy saving solution, helping householders transition to a greener, more sustainable future, empowering homeowners to embrace energy-efficient heating solutions through grant-funded support.

Unlike standard boiler systems, Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHP’s) deliver heat at much lower temperatures and over longer periods of time. Similar to the way in which a fridge extracts heat from its inside, ASHP’s extract heat from the outside and can even generate heat when the mercury dips below -10° C.

As part of the Government’s Energy Company Obligation (ECO) Scheme, eligible homeowners and tenants may be entitled to an energy efficient boiler grant to help lower their energy bills and make their homes more energy efficient. Helping low-income households combat the rising cost of living.

Replacing your old electric heaters with a more efficient electric storage heating system will benefit you financially in the long term. Plus, you may be eligible for an energy saving grant to cover the costs.

If your home does not already have a gas central heating system and is heated by another means including electric room heaters, old storage heaters, or you have no heating system at all, then you may qualify for a grant towards a First Time Central Heating system.

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